Read All About It!! - your Raiders are back with a bang and making the right kind of news headlines. Now the dust has settled, we would like to thank all involved for their support, all of the personal messages and to see so many fans of the club back talking about basketball in a positive way and sharing what Raiders has meant to so many, for so long. There are no fans like our basketball fans.
On the return of Raiders Ross Mackenzie said “It’s been a long journey to bring the club back, literally from the dead from the fall-out of Summer 2021. We’ve had to firstly secure the support from the Department for Business & Energy in early 2022 and then get that rubber stamped through the High Court which we received full and unequivocal approval in December 2022.
The club’s heritage, our community work, and perhaps most importantly you - our fans all played their part which helped propel us for decades as a sporting force for good, so frankly, I don’t think they could turn us down! Our sincere thanks go to them. Then finally, putting all of the jigsaw pieces back together including our social media channels, while locating and securing back our original web domains, took a real team effort. Nothing was guaranteed – but we weren’t giving up, this is your club and we were going to fight for it.
Finally, we’re beyond excited to go home to Central Park and The Life Centre and we thank them for their support and I know they share our enthusiasm. We’ve worked with them to make the games scalable and entirely workable within their existing venue in a way which isn’t onerous or placing undue pressure on them. Importantly, it manages expectations for our National Basketball League re-start.
I’ve been asked what success looks like for the new Raiders. It’s actually quite simple – it’s having our team back in a green jersey on the floor, and taking to competitive action with some entirely new and upcoming players and some familiar faces and whether it’s playing to 50 or 300 people, it really doesn’t matter. We’re building back and we can’t wait to take you with us.”
We’ll have more exciting news in the coming weeks, please stay tuned......Go Raiders!